Pukalani Over Time (lightest version)
My first published digital painting (not AI!) created on site at Pukalani Stables on an iPad.
This prints well on canvas. A darker version is available in the gallery as well - this prints slightly lighter than my originals.
I have been coming to this place in Waimea on and off for about 70 years. This picture represents all of them rolled into one - if something looks different to you, it might have been that way 50 years ago. But the Jacaranda is recent!
This prints well on canvas. A darker version is available in the gallery as well - this prints slightly lighter than my originals.
I have been coming to this place in Waimea on and off for about 70 years. This picture represents all of them rolled into one - if something looks different to you, it might have been that way 50 years ago. But the Jacaranda is recent!